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Implanet is positioned as the international leader in sublaminar implants dedicated to the spine surgeries for the treatment of deformity and degenerative spinal disorders. Its fast growing flagship implant JAZZ which has recently turned into a technological platform JAZZ Band® is the most comprehensive range of implants on the market, CE marked and FDA approved. |
Protected by 4 sets of international patents, JAZZ caters to all procedures involved in vertebral fusion - surgical techniques utilizing implants to restore spinal stability by fusing two adjacent vertebrae. Thanks to the approvals it has already secured (CE mark, FDA clearance in the US, Anvisa Approval in Brazil
), JAZZ serves a market estimated to be worth over $2 billion in two segments: efficiently restoring vertebral column curvature in cases of severe scoliosis and major spinal deformation, while minimizing the use of pedicle screws addressing all type of spinal deformities, from adolescent idiopathic to neurological pediatric scoliosis as well as deformations related to degenerative spinal conditions which involve a high risk of instability due to bone quality. |
LASTENNET Ludovic | | | |
Fiche créée le 10/04/2016 par Guillaume vue 41 fois.