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Probiodrug AG is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of new therapeutic products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (“AD”).
Today Probiodrug’s aim is to become a leading company in the development of Alzheimer’s treatments and to thereby provide a better life for patients.
Probiodrug has identified a new therapeutic concept linked to disease initiation and progression. The development approaches are targeting pyroglutamate-Abeta (pGlu-Abeta) as a therapeutic strategy to fight AD.
Probiodrug is developing drug candidates to specifically target toxic pyroglutamate-Abeta (pGlu-Abeta) via two complementary modes of action: (i) inhibition of Glutaminyl Cyclase (QC), thus inhibiting the production of pGlu-Abeta; and (ii) clearing existing pGlu-Abeta from the brain.
Probiodrug’s current development pipeline consists of the following product candidates:
PQ912 – small molecule QC inhibitor (phase2)
PBD-C06 – pGlu-Abeta specific mAB (preclinical)
GLUND Konrad

Fiche créée le 10/04/2016 par Guillaume   vue 5 fois.