Paris | |
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Develops and sells medical devices. The Company specializes in medical products used in spinal surgery. Safe Orthopaedics offers its products to the healthcare industry. | |
SteriSpine PS is an innovative multiaxial cannulated Pedicle Screw system that provides a simplified surgical technique compatible for Open and Minimal Invasive approach to accommodate various pathologies. SteriSpine PS Rod Bender is the first single use and sterile rod bender on the spinal market. Thanks to its two eyelets, the risk of rod slippage during bending is avoided. SteriSpine LC is an innovative lumbar cage system that provides a simplified surgical technique. The system is ready at moments notice and packaged on sealed and sterile kit to ensure product quality, traceability and reduce hospital processing. |
LAMBERT Thierry | | | |
Fiche créée le 10/04/2016 par Guillaume vue 37 fois.